Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Friends equal a pain in my ass

I hate it how I can never just truly say how I feel to my best friends. I hate when I get in fights with them and let myselve cower below them as I give in and say sorry or that it's my fault.
I wish I would just say, "you know what FUCK OFF, your suppose to be there for me and help me through drama, not cause it". Ahhhhhh I'm so overheated right now, you could boil an egg on my head. >.<
Well, you probably wondering who stuck a stick up her ass, well I'LL TELL YOU! (LMFAO)
My friend walks in and of course I could tell something was up.(theres always something up, duhhh). She doesn't say anything at first, then she's like, "So I'm going to the library this morning, with or without." So Im like damn here we go again hope.SO I say, "okay I never said we couldn't go.")Then obviously, me irritated I opened up my mouth and said what I felt.(only part of it, she would of shit a brick if I said all of it.) I said, "Why are you such in a shitty mood". Then She says "WE ALWAYS DO WHAT YOU WANT".
I'm like what the hell. If I did what I wanted we wouldn't be in this situation, I would of dropped your no good ass long ago.So I say "no we don't if you wanna go do something than go do it, I dont care, it's not like I'm forcing you to stay." She grabs her bag and then leaves...I was like Bye-bye....lol.

Please comment and tell me if you think what I did was wrong...If not be like HELL YA MAKE THAT BITCH PAY. =DD

1 comment:

Tyler said...

I think you were right I have friends like that and just drives me fucking crazy. Sometime you just have to set them stright. So I feel your right on this one.