Sunday, January 31, 2010

Already gone

I've only cryed myself to sleep once before last night.. And both times left me feeling the same. Depressed and numb.

I woke up feeling the same as well. I was going to go to church but I didn't go. Felt like being alone......

Do I do it to myself..? Do I set up myself for heart break..? I'd like to think not but I guess so. I just know I'm done with it.

I have a goal in life. I finally have a reason. And for now Im gona keep my eyes on the price, fuck relationships. No dating, no flirting. No heartbreak. Thats how its gonna be for now on, till I decide people wont just fuck me over or something will turn out for nothing.

But this is part of learning. Falling is i mean...and now Im getting back up but never again. I tryed so hard and yet so far but in the end it doesnt even matter. I had to fall to lose it all but in the end it doesnt even matter. Listen to it on my little ipod thing. Its exactly how I feel right now.

I guess some things in life are just too damn over rated. >.< I knew this. But knowing me I tryed anyway...and just like normal got slapped in the face for it. So I'm already gone. That's another song on there that I want you to listen too. Its also how I feel.

My birthday is tomorrow...and it feels like its just going to be like any other day to me. I don't want to celebrate or anything. I mean seriously why celebrate hope when she doesn't even know what hope means. Its foreign as far as I'm concerned.

I did want a few things. Of which I no longer want.

You know what I want..? I want to be stuck ALONE in a dark room for ever. That's what I want. Nothing else seems comforting as much as that does.

You know 16 years ago...I would of never pictured my life like this. As a kid...I was sooo happy. I had no fucking depression or anything like that. Everything was great, the world was a good place.......

Now its hell and I just wish it would end....I mean I never signed up for this.

Happy 16 birthday hope. Pft...

(listen on my ipod broken inside.)Its my song.


Ace said...

Hey, Sorry to hear you're feeling down!

A quote that I like that could help to show what life is about is:

"Good judgement comes from experience: experience comes from bad judgement." - Basically life is all about having good and bad experiences, and its the bad ones that truly make you grow.

Hope that helped a little, and Happy Birthday!!! (It's Monday in England) :D I hope that you get a good night sleep and feel a bit better about things in the morning!



Through My Eyes said...

Dman it Hope...your not suppossed to feel this way....Im not suppossed to let you feel this way...Im soooo sorry your hurting......Happy Birthday though...I still have your present but I dont know how to get it to you.......I hope you start feeling better babe....I love you
Take Care

Andy said...
