Sunday, February 28, 2010


These next weeks of recovery are going to be long and boring. I love the fact that I'm home and there's no school for me(except for awhile..I have to be home schooled for awhile) I can hardly get off the damn coach which means I'm not going ANYWHERE for a LONG while.

Tomorrow there going to take out my staples...Im kinda scared which is so fucking stupid because if I can make it through major surgery than I can make it through staples coming out...>.<>

I have a special toilet that i have to use because I cant get up or off a normal one. Anyway, it's amazing. I'd die without it. =p

Same with my pillow that I keep on my tummy. It helps for the most part.

Sooo how is everyone doing..??? I've been gone for soooo long I'm not sure if I can read everything Ive missed sooo everyone should make a post called " the new and old" and give me a low down or summery of everything Ive missed and some resent stuff so that I can just start from there. ^^

Thank you all it would mean alot. Though if there is anything you want me to see just tell me the name of it and ill go find it..other wise we'll just go from there.

I love you ace, and Lia. Thank you for the comments, your amazing.

1 comment:

Forsaken03 said...

I was wondering where you went :[.
well, good to hear everything went okay :D!
welcome back