Sunday, August 8, 2010

making life my bitch

Ever feel like your on a certain path and everything will be going great and then suddenly something changes........ or maybe its you that changes, either way you no longer feel the same you did and soon your path is changed yet again?!

Ever wanted to just SCREAM exactly what your feeling out and just let all your most inner demons and fears go out your mouth and away from your mind..?

Ever go back to old habits and wonder deeply if you should start again, or leave the past in the past..?

Well, I'm always on the same path it's just I tend to drift. I get preoccupied by other things or even distracted.
The point is...I kinda drifted far far away from my path, and just now getting back on track.

Ive let some of my inner demons out and shared my reality. But it's not enough. It never goes away. And you certainly never forget. It's like a terrible reminder of how you fucked up and how you can never change it.
The worst part is you can never truly let it all out...especially to the one you want to. Because doing that..
is just creating another demon.another fear. another reality.

Ahhh, as they say old habits never die. There like crap inside of you. Its always building up and causing you distress. Finally you let it all out, but sooner or later, your gonna have to deal with that shit again.
Habits, they just love to come back and taunt the hell outta of ya. And most of the God, where all just gelatin's for punishment aren't we..?
I shouldn't be to negative eh, well some do die.

But don't worry another will start, and your right back to the next pain in the ass.
My habits...oh there just. FUN.
I'll do pretty good for awhile, for a long while. But then I get caught off guard fall slowly then soon I'm eating dirt from the ground. Yum.
Well, I can say for now....I think Ive concurred that pain in the ass. But I have a feeling another may start.

Bring it on. *smirk*

As they do say, when life gives you lemons. You make some sour lemonade, and poor that shit in life's face until it feels the burn!!!!


Hope is back, and feeling the burn.XD

until next time, FUCKING MAKE LIFE YOUR BITCH. =D *winks*

noo, but really.


Sanyu said...


Anonymous said...

I love how everything seems to change, except those bad things. Those things stick around until the day we die, I think. It's like, as long as my life is in a constant state of getting an overhaul, couldn't I at least get the bad things replaces as well?

When life gives you lemons, send them back and demand the cantaloupe you ordered. Then don't tip the waiter.