Monday, May 10, 2010


Have you ever wondered what your future would turn out to be..How it was going to look like..and how everything changed....

I'm sure you have, lately thats all I seem to think about. The future..

I think I can finally move out.

I can get a car.

Go to collage.

Live with my dad.

and then I think...what if none of that ever happens..

then what, my future seems so bland and uncertain of which it is..but I just keep thinking something isnt right...

At one point or another you should have a period of time where everything is good. Everything is going great...(then it goes to hell. Lol)
But I havent had that yet...Ive been going through a huge and long peroid of pain and depression...and not once has it stoped...have i been able to just be happy and enjoy myself....

Thats not right..something is wrong or missing and I dont know what.. >.<

its frustrating because..I just want to be happy for a change, everybody I know has had a time to be happy, even if it was for a month or a year...I mean Ive been through so much hell my whole'd think that for once...Id get a break...just to be NORMAL. to be happy...

is that to much to ask for.....

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