Tuesday, May 11, 2010


So I had just gotten irritated with my mom and I was walking back into my room when I passed her room and it was staring at me.

I stopped in my tracks and toke a few steps back. It was calling to me, and I was going to anwser it's call.

Can you guess what it was...? Yes it was a treadmill. XD LOL>.<

I got on it and started off slow..then alittle faster..and faster and soon I was running. Working out all my stresses of family friends and most of all depression.

I stopped after 15 minutes went by. I was sweating of which I never do, and I was completley out of breath. I dropped to the floor and laid my head on the air vent and felt the cold air hit my face.
While I sat there I starting thinking about facts...

O.o Yes..facts.

this is what was going through my mind:

Sex takes away depression. I need to get laid....

Working out takes away depression. Im going to use the treadmill as though it was a dildo on a friday night.

Meditating takes away depression. All hail buda, and streching. XD

Counseling takes away depression. Hello counselor, Im your worst nightmare. Nice to meet you. >.< ^^

So pretty werid and fucked up..yes I know. Anyway, the point was all of those things really do help with depression. Though theres only a few Im willing to do. And I realized at that moment what a rush it was...so Im going to start working my ass off, and sweating off depression.

WHOOHOOO. How you like me now depression...??? XD

The red x is there any time....>.<>


Raven said...

What are you willing to do Hopey...or should i say who....Teehee. If my Mistress needs to work of stress why don't we get all Sakura x Ino together. We should workout together. XDDDDDD

Hope said...

Lmfao. Ohh yes We should my lovely.

We'd have a ball. XD
