Monday, November 9, 2009


I LOVE reading books!! There so amazing. One day I hope to publish mine. ^-^

Anywayz, I just got done reading shooter. It's a really good book...or at least I thought so. It's about a crime/murder happened with these 3 teenagers. 2boys and 1 girl. It talks about how one of the boys is like freakin crazy, and like kills a boy and wounds like 12 others or something, and anyway, he ends up commeting suicide. Talks about why and how....and stuff like that. =]

But the point I'm trying to make is, when I read a book I get really into it...Like if the situation is sad or depressing, I would get depressed/sad..and like I don't even mean too..I just do. Lol.

Werid, yes I know. >.<

Grr Damn sister just barges inmy room with her boyfriend being loud and turning on all the lights, god it's so fucking annoying. I CANN'T WAIT till she leaves.

Ahhhh I'm gonna end up like that guy in the book killing people. =P sounds like fun if it's my sister.


Through My Eyes said...

I'd like to thank you for always reading my blog its nice to know someone is out there reading it. :D Your compassion means alot to me thank you

Hope said...

You're very welcome. I love listening and learning about other people. You are very interesting.

By the way that's not bad. ;P
