Wednesday, December 9, 2009

fire vs. ice

nothing bad has happened..and yet nothing good either.

I guess today's just going to be like the old

Days of stupid depression. I hate it...because i don't want to give into it.. I haven't in months. And If I do'll look bad on my part..and I want to appear happy,fine,and okay.. Though..i don't know if I am..

I've ignored my depression..but just like day becomes night..I become depressed. It's unpreventable.

God.. to think for once I could be happy.. Is plain stupid. How could I..? EVER have anything go well.

So stupid. everything is. There's no point of me. Honestly.

I'm a waste of space. I don't help any. I don't have a job, life, or a heart. I have no purpose. I am of no use.

And yet I'm still here.

I don't want to be.

I just want to fall into a eternal sleep..where everything is just the dark.

there's nothing and no one. That seems fitting for me.

I'm played with fire..and I'm burned..and now all i want to do is freeze. ....

I'm cold right why not.

1 comment:

Through My Eyes said... cannot go into that eternal sleep....for if you shall I...and you DO have a purpose and you DO mean something to!!....I would have ended myself long ago if you had not commented on my blog...if I had not known that you were there for have been there for me at my lowest and I'm going to return the favor...I NEED you Hope...never forget that...I want our friendship to be a long one...I AM here for you....never forget that
All my prayers and love