Thursday, June 24, 2010


Counseling was very interesting..

We talked about my mother and my sister and the huge fight that toke place. (Which was yesterday.)

People you may need to know is:
Katie-my sister- age 18-hoe lol
Hope-me XD- age 16- booom bitch lol
Kendra-my friend-age 15
Abbi- my friend-age 14 turning 15
Bobby-younger brother-age 13
(need to know infor-Bobby and Abbi like each other and want to date but aren't going out yet.)

this is how it went. -please know theres alot of mean things said and alot of hurtful words...but know EVERYTHING I said was the HONEST to god truth..and as some say truth hurts...-

me and my two friends are in my room talking. Katie walks in..

Katie- mom is sooo mad at you. Just wait till she comes in here. Shes going to give you an ear full.
Hope- why is she mad at me...? I've done nothing wrong. *confused look on my face*
Katie- Ohhh you'll find out, don't worry. She'll be in here soon. She was so mad, she was talking major shit on you in the car.
Hope- What the hell, Ive done nothing wrong, and why are you in here telling me what shes going to do. Get in your own business.
Katie- This is my business and I'm apart of this.
Hope- uhmm No your not. Leave me alone.
Katie- Hope, I walked in and freakin bobby was laying right next to Abbi. Your the older sister, you should of told him to go.
Hope- I fell asleep before him and its not like they where fucking. It was FINE. *Getting irritated*
Katie- It was NOT fine hope. And don't fucking lie. You where not asleep, you stay up later than bobby and Abbi put together.
Kendra- that's not true. Hope did go to bed before us. And Abbi was asleep before bobby even sat by her. Its not hope's fault if your brother fell asleep by her.
Katie- That's a lie from hell. I don't believe you. And hope SHOULD of told him to go.
Hope- Believe what the fuck you want to. I don't care. I know what happened you don't.
Katie- I will thank you very much.
Hope- What the fuck ever just leave I don't want to see your face.
Katie- no, ill stay if I want.
Hope- You are 18 why the FUCK don't you leave now. Ive been waiting and I can stand to see your stupid face. Here, ill even be nice and help pack.
Katie- You'd like that wouldn't you...? *smug look on her face*
Hope- Hell ya. I'm done with you.
Katie- I'm done with you. Your always a bitch to everyone, and no body wants you in this house anyway. Your selfish and all you think about is yourself. Even dad thinks so.
Hope- ...what...*eyes widen* *heart stops*
Katie- Ohh what he didn't tell you..? He thinks your a FAKE and that your never honest with him. And that your that way with everyone...You didn't know that..?
Hope- *silence* *tears trying to come out*
Katie- Figures....
Hope- I....hate YOU. *tears stream down my face* I cant stand you and I wish you would just leave. You think your all that but your not. and you cry and bitch because you no longer have friends its cause of the way you TREATED them and you ditched them for your boy friend shelby.
Katie- No, I left my friends because they where all dumb. You don't know. And its so nice to hear that you really want me to go.
Hope- Whatever. You keep acting the way you do with everyone, especially shelby....He WILL leave you. And I would too.
Katie- I love him and he loves me. He would NEVER do that.
Hope- keep it up, I promise YOU he will leave. He wont put up with your bullshit much longer.
Katie- whatever you don't know. *Shes crying to now.*
Hope- Sure I don't, that's why he didn't just come to me the other day upset over your crap. And you know whats even sader...? My friends see it too. They use to loooove you.....Now they hate you too.
Katie- Your fucking friends need to shut the fuck up, there immature and stupid anyway.
Kendra- Ohhhh That's really nice and great. *pissed off look*
Abbi- *silence* (Lol, she doesn't talk at all through this all. I think she was terrified. I would of been too. It seem as though we where really going to kill one another.)
Hope- Shut up dumbass.
Our mother walks in. What is going on.....? *trying to act calm in front of my friends*
Katie- hope says she hates me and that she only loves dad.
Hope- She came in here saying that you where sooo pissed off at me and just let me know exactly how shitty of a daughter I was, and how my dad really thought of me.
Mom- Okay where not going to do this right now. Katie go in the other room now.
Katie- are you going to just let her get away with it...?
Mom- go now.
Katie- Gets the lab top and slams the door.
Mom- uhmm....girls when are your parents coming....?

I think I may have given my poor counselor a panic attack. Lol
Sooo...that's just the idea of what went down. It was much worse...much louder..and more hurtful words..that I didn't and couldn't remember to include. Not everything was dead on what was said but I hit all the main things. It was very long.....
Then after my friends left there was a family meeting that lasted two hours long.
There was alot of crying and shit...we worked things out but...I felt the same feeling I always feel when a fight like that has happened....dead and done.
I am done.


Anonymous said...

your sister shouldnt have said those things to you......but sometimes things get said when tensions are high....but either way you didnt deserve that

Hope said...

She...she was much meaner..that was the basic idea of what we said...but if you where there...It was much worse. She let me have it man..I mean she had so much bitter inside of her, and she just made sure I heard everything she had against me.

Man...I felt like shit after wards.

I thought I was doing good...guess not.

I love my sister but I'm so done with her and her being such an hypocrite.

Love you hun,
